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Together we can 

stop harassment.

In recent years, harassment has been on the rise within condominiums, presenting a significant challenge to resident well-being and community harmony. From verbal abuse to privacy violations, such behavior undermines the peaceful coexistence essential for communal living. This trend not only tarnishes the reputation of condo associations but also leads to increased tensions among residents, impacting overall quality of life.

on the rise.

Recognizing the detrimental impact of harassment on the condo industry, this page has been created as a resource hub to help individuals navigate and combat harassment within condominium settings. By offering insights, support networks, and practical solutions, we aim to empower residents and stakeholders to address harassment issues effectively, fostering safer, more inclusive condo communities.

harassment graphic

What is harassment - and what isn't?

Harassment refers to unwanted and repeated behaviour that causes distress, discomfort, or harm to another person. It can take many forms, including verbal, physical, or digital actions. Here's a breakdown of what constitutes harassment and what does not:

This is harassment
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Unwanted Behavior: Any action that is unwelcome or unsolicited by the recipient.

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Repetition: The behavior occurs repeatedly over time rather than being a one-time occurrence.

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Intent to Harm: The harasser's actions are intended to intimidate, threaten, or harm the victim emotionally, psychologically, or physically.

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Creates Discomfort or Distress: The behavior causes the victim to feel uncomfortable, distressed, or threatened.

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Power Imbalance: Harassment often involves a power imbalance, where the harasser holds some form of power or authority over the victim.

Examples of harassment 

Persistent unwelcome comments or advances of a sexual nature.

Repeatedly sending threatening or intimidating messages.

Spreading rumors or gossip with the intent to damage someone's reputation.

Making offensive jokes or comments about someone's race, gender, religion, etc.

Find resources related to harassment. 
This is not harassment
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Mutual Consent: Behavior that is mutually agreed upon by all parties involved.

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Accidental Behaviour: Actions that are unintentional and not meant to cause harm or discomfort.

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Constructive Criticism: Providing feedback or critique in a respectful and professional manner.

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Freedom of Speech: Expressing opinions or ideas that are not intended to harm or intimidate others.


Giving compliments respectfully and without persistence

Disagreements or arguments without resorting to personal attacks.

Providing constructive feedback in a professional setting.

Expressing opinions or beliefs in a non-threatening manner,

Articles from the Resource Library

Episode 39 – Violence and Harassment in Condominiums

Christy Allen, Emily Deng and Mitchell Robinson

Protection of Property Managers

Stephanie Sutherland

The Broad Interpretation of ‘Dangerous Activities’ Under Section 117

" Fiona Burnett and Robert Mullin "

We Are Essential to Each Other!

Dorothy Church, RCM

Think Before You Type: Responding to Social Media Attacks

Dean McCabe, RCM

Man up: Redefining masculinity to combat workplace violence and harassment


Auditor General’s 2020 Annual Report Implications for the Condominium Industry

Victor Yee

That’s Defamation! Or is it?

John De Vellis

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