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Verjee v. York Condominium Corporation No. 43 - 2023 ONCAT 105 - 2023-07-27






In the case of Verjee v. York Condominium Corporation No. 43 (2023 ONCAT 105), the Condominium Authority Tribunal addressed a motion regarding the merger of two cases filed by the Applicant against the Respondent, York Condominium Corporation No. 43. Both cases involved records disputes and had been assigned to the same Member for mediation. Recognizing the similarity of the issues and in the interest of efficiency and fairness, the Member proposed merging the two cases, a decision to which both parties agreed. This action was carried out in accordance with Rule 18.2 of the Tribunal's Rules of Practice


CAT Decisions - Motion Order


In this case, the Applicant had filed two similar records cases against the Respondent, and the Tribunal decided to merge them for the sake of efficiency and fairness. The decision was made in accordance with Rule 18.2 of the Tribunal's Rules of Practice, and both parties agreed to the merger. As a result, Case 2023-00319R was closed and merged with Case 2023-00221R. This demonstrates the Tribunal's commitment to streamlining processes when cases share common issues, ultimately saving time and resources for all parties involved.


In the case of Verjee v. York Condominium Corporation No. 43 (2023 ONCAT 105), several key takeaways can be identified:

Merging Cases: The Tribunal has the authority to merge similar cases to promote efficiency and fairness. In this instance, two records cases were merged into one due to their similarity.

Tribunal's Rules of Practice: The decision was made in accordance with Rule 18.2 of the Tribunal's Rules of Practice, which provides a framework for merging cases with similar issues.

Mediation of Records Cases: Both cases involved records disputes, and the Tribunal assigned a mediator to facilitate the resolution of these disputes.

Parties' Agreement: It's essential to note that both parties agreed to merge the cases, highlighting the importance of consensus in such decisions.

Tribunal's ODR System: The order mentions that instructions on how to effect the merger will be provided through the Tribunal's CAT-ODR system, emphasizing the use of technology in managing cases.


Consolidation Protocol: The Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) should establish a formal protocol for the consolidation of cases with similar issues. This protocol should outline the criteria for identifying cases suitable for consolidation, the process for seeking parties' consent, and the procedures for merging cases, ensuring efficient use of resources and timely resolution.

Clear Communication: CAT should ensure that parties involved in merged cases receive clear and concise communication about the merger process. This includes providing instructions on how to access and manage the merged case through the CAT-ODR system. Transparent and easy-to-follow guidelines will help parties understand and navigate the new process.

Conflict Resolution Strategies: In merged cases, CAT should be prepared to address potential conflicts and issues that may arise due to the combination of cases. Having established conflict resolution strategies in place, such as mediation or case management, can help parties reach resolutions more effectively and maintain a fair and efficient process.

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